Maximizing the Gift of December 21, 2012

by Joebaby on November 24, 2012

Dec 21, 2012 is a most amazing opportunity, a day that has captured the attention of cultures from around the world. UFOlogists predict a mass landing, Mayans speak of a new beginning and skeptics predict the tumultuous end of the world. I’m looking forward to a great big PARTY!  :)

From the perspective of God/Source/All That IS, every moment is totally divine; there is no more God or Love or Joy in this moment than in any other moment. Yet from our human perspective, the part of us that believes we’re separate from the Divine, this coming December 21st is a super significant day.

On this day, literally billions of us will be in a state of anticipation. What we anticipate depends entirely on our fears, hopes and beliefs. For those of us blessed enough to know that we co-create our own reality, this December 21st is an INVITATION TO PARTY! (As is the other significant date of December 12th, the “12-12-12”!)

As quantum physics reminds us; we live in a world of light particles that flash in and out of form in response to our expectations. If you’re a pessimist, you have oodles of evidence to support your pessimistic view. And if you’re an optimist, you too have plenty of evidence to support your optimistic view!

What are you giving attention to?

The concept that ‘we create our own reality’ has gone from a far flung idea to acceptable reality. Thoughts become things, and what we focus on comes into fruition… Given we’re all creating our future, by default or by conscious choice, what do you wish to create for our collective Humanity for the new world we’re entering?

End of the World?

I was speaking to a trip organizer from Shanghai, China the other day. I asked her what December 21st means to the Chinese. She replied, “Oh, you mean the doomsday?”

I see advertisements for December 21st with an image of a comet slamming into the earth. I hear prophesies and predictions that astound me, make me smile and chuckle at our creativity.

Power of Love

Any time you get a group of people aligned in common thought, their ability to create amplifies. And for a moment a part of me got worried of over a billion people thinking ‘doomsday’.

And then I remember the power of love, and how one loving thought vibrates at a frequency thousands of times higher than a fearful one. One person holding a focus of love is more powerful than thousands in fear. This is good news, cause for celebration! :)

 What You Can Do:

There are many simple, fun and significant things you can do to join the millions of us who will be radiating loving thoughts on this day.

You can play some fun, upbeat music!

Hum, tap your toes, sing and dance!

Make some food you love, and eat it with gusto! Buy yourself some chocolate! :)

Give something to someone, water a tree, enjoy a flower, say hello to a stranger…

Call a friend and tell them what you appreciate about them!

Count your blessings, make a list of 100+ things you love (I dare you!)

Wash your car, clean your room, make a cup of your favorite tea, put up your feet and smile!

Yes, there’s an infinite number of things you can do on December 21st. You can do the same thing you do every other day, just be sure to put your loving energy into it with the intent that your love joins with the rest of us!

Wherever You Are

There are many cool places to gather on December 21st. You can tune in to the magic of the day from the comfort of your bed, your bathtub, from under a tree, outside in nature… wherever you are is absolutely perfect!

If you can, why not join a pod of kindred souls? You might find a local gathering, join an internet broadcast, visit a sacred spot. Its fun to be with a group of people who share the same loving intent as you!

Keeping It Simple

Its easy to get caught up in the significance of events, and in doing so, to feel harried or stressed about ‘getting it right’. If you notice yourself feeling any stress around this magical event, just take a big breath and let the significance go (nothing is as important as your peace and joy!). Keep it simple, be light about it, levity is next to Godliness!

Your Unique Contribution

In all creation, there is only one of you; you bring something totally unique to our world. Your innate love of life, your joys and your passions carry a vibration, a color and frequency that no one else can replace. On this day, (and every day), let your love flow and your light shine!

Have Fun!

December 21st is a fun opportunity to vibrate your love of life. What you do or where you do it is secondary to the love and intention you put into it. Have fun! Let it rip! Smile and laugh out loud!

Join us!

Wherever you are on December 21st, imagine your love joining with ours and the millions just like us! I’m celebrating the event with a group of kindred spirits while on a wild dolphin retreat in the Bahamas, and we’ll be sending our exuberance out into the ocean and the ethers! (for more info on our retreat, click here)

Imagine all our collective love and joy encircling our planet with such light and goodwill that everybody everywhere feels the warmth and love of our collective humanity. Have a blast, it’s a party! I’ll see you there!

Joe Noonan is an internationally recognized speaker who leads trips swimming with wild dolphins and celebrating the joy of nature. A guest on Fox, National Geographic TV and Oprah, he is leading an “Awakening Your Divine Joy” Wild Dolphin Retreat in the Bahamas this Dec 19 – 23, and he invites you to join him energetically or in person.

Joe Noonan is an author, dolphin whisperer and shamanic nature guide. Joe reflects back to people that this world is already a Heaven on Earth, and that the tools to find joy in the moment are around and within us. He offers workshops, internet programs and nature retreats that awaken us to our divine joy and connection with Nature.

Self Awareness Programs –  Corporate Leadership Seminars – Wild Dolphin Trips

“Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God” Tielhard de Chardin

© Joe Noonan

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