Why 2014 is a Year of Celebration!

by Joebaby on January 1, 2014

The best New Year’s Resolution i can think of is to celebrate life on a daily basis!

When i remember how lucky i am to be here on this crazy, beautiful blue/green jewel of a planet, i find myself smiling and my stresses and worries fall away… How amazingly lucky we are to be here, in this time and place!

Every moment offers an infinite variety of places to give my attention; i’m immersed in a most outrageous buffet of experiences. After years of tasting lots of different experiences, i choose to feast on the ones that bring me joy :)

I’ve been here long enough to see that whatever i focus on grows. How blessed i am to recognize this! How blessed i am to recognize how blessed i am!

My New Year’s Resolution for 2014 is to celebrate every day; to recognize and appreciate the gifts of each moment.

And that includes you! I love that you are on this journey with me; thank you!

Here’s to a life of celebration! Happy 2014!!!




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