I’m hiking up Aspen Mountain (aka ‘Ajax’) and gasping for air. Two days ago i was holding my breath 40′ below the surface in the Bahamas, freediving for my dinner. Now my heart is beating a tango as i place one foot in front of the other. My chest is sucking in lungfuls of air […]


Why 2014 is a Year of Celebration!

by Joebaby on January 1, 2014

The best New Year’s Resolution i can think of is to celebrate life on a daily basis! When i remember how lucky i am to be here on this crazy, beautiful blue/green jewel of a planet, i find myself smiling and my stresses and worries fall away… How amazingly lucky we are to be here, […]


I give THANKS for YOU!

by Joebaby on November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving Day – Giving THANKS for YOU! Today is Thanksgiving Day in the US. The spirit of Thanksgiving is increasingly being embraced by people around the world (i’m currently in Ecuador celebrating w/friends from North, Central and South America, Europe, etc)   My daily JOY button! I LOVE giving thanks, its one of my favorite […]


My Head and my Heart; Trust, Safety & Love

August 21, 2013

Sometimes i see the dance of my mind and my heart so clearly… Last night, i was watching the full moon rise, the sky was filled with huge billowing clouds, made even more mysterious and alive by the soft reflected light of the moon. Enraptured, i stared… A thought of someone came to mind, and, […]

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We’re sending LOVE to the SEA again today!

August 19, 2013

Yesterday, groups of cetacean lovers around the world sent love into the sea. One of many ocean blessings organized by ocean-lovers around the world, we splashed and played in the shallow waters off the west shore of Bimini. It was a beautiful day… We got a bit playful, playing footsie in the clear shallow water, […]

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A beautiful, fun video about Appreciation (i cried)

August 4, 2013

Someone sent me a link to this YT video… it totally enriched my day! Call someone you love, and tell them why you love them! (i dare you!)

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Swimming alongside a baby WHALE in a sea of love!

April 10, 2013

I spent three months camping on the beach in Hawaii and in Maui this winter, hanging out and leading several custom family dolphin retreats. While i was there, i had some absolutely amazing encounters with humpback whales. Here is the story of one of those encounters…   Joebaby is an author, speaker, dolphin whisperer and […]

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Dec 21st – An Invitation to PARTY!!! :)

December 18, 2012

Dec 21 – An Invitation to PARTY!!! Dec 21, 2012 has captured the attention of people around the world. UFOlogists predict a mass landing, Mayans speak of a new beginning and skeptics predict the end of the world. I’m looking forward to a PARTY!  :) From the perspective of God/Source/All That IS, every moment is […]

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Maximizing the Gift of December 21, 2012

November 24, 2012

Dec 21, 2012 is a most amazing opportunity, a day that has captured the attention of cultures from around the world. UFOlogists predict a mass landing, Mayans speak of a new beginning and skeptics predict the tumultuous end of the world. I’m looking forward to a great big PARTY!  :) From the perspective of God/Source/All […]

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Hurricane Sandy & the Bahamas; Any port in a storm!

October 25, 2012

Its gusting 50+ here in Bimini and Hurricane Sandy is blasting the more easterly Bahamian islands with 100+ winds… there are whitecaps in the bay, the birds are roosting in the trees and my neighbor’s shingles are being torn off his roof by the wind. I pulled my rubber zodiac ashore this afternoon with the […]

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